Special expertise: Gallbladder Stones, Breast Conservative, Oncoplastic, Reconstructive Surgery, Thyroid Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical removal of all cancerous tumors
Work Experience 2010-present: Surgical Oncologist Breast and Cancer Surgeon at Breast Clinic at Phyathai Hospital
Education 1999: Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Prince of Songkla University 2004: Diploma of General Surgery 2012: Fellow in Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Dipartmento di Chirurgia Plastica e Riconstruttiva, Instituto Nazionale Dei Tumori, Milano, Italy 2008: Diploma of Medical Oncology special surgery 2015: Diploma training on Liver Surgery at National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan 2014: Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery Universite DE Strasbourg