Urology Center

  • Urology Center

    Phyathai 1 Hospital , Building 1, 1st Floor

    Office hours

    Open daily from 09.00 a.m. – 04.00 p.m.


    (+66)2-201-4600 ext. 2185 , 2285-86

Phyathai 1 Hospital Services consist of diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the urinary tract system, such as erectile dysfunction. A team of experienced surgeons will provide you an accurate result with modern medical equipment and convenient. Including a team of nurses who are ready to take care and provide you the advice on self-care when your return home.

  • Patients will receive a history diagnosis and physical examination by a urological surgeon.
  • Modern diagnostic equipment ; Trans rectal U/S
  • High technology in surgery, for example, Transurethral resection of the prostate;TUR-P, PVP Laser, Complications reduction in patients with chronic diseases, Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; ESWL and Laparoscopic gallstone; URS etc.
  • A team of experienced anesthesiologist and nurses providing a painless operation and care for patients.

Our Doctors