Phyathai 1 Hospital, Building 2, 1st Floor
Open daily from 09.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m.
(+66)2-201-4600 ext. 3324, 3325 or Nurse Private Call (+66)81-900-8062
The word Revital means giving new life, giving new energy, giving new strength, making fresh, restoring to the original condition again. By using the principles of preventive medicine and anti-aging medicine to take care of health in all dimensions from the inside out that will help you have an Optimal Health by examining and treating at the cellular level to prevent and slow down aging and deterioration from occurring quickly, which will lead to various diseases in the future. And also help restore the deterioration that has already occurred to return to normal as much as possible. To be able to live the best life both physically and mentally
The important goal is to have a long life with quality (Health span), which is having "good health until the last second of life".
In the past, we often went to the doctor when we were sick. When it reached that point, it may not be curable or we have to take medicine for the rest of our lives. But wouldn't it be better if we "prevented it better than cured"? Therefore, it is the origin of preventive health check-ups. It is a proactive examination to find abnormalities from the beginning at the cellular level and quickly treat the abnormalities before they become diseases. It is called "pre-illness care".
In anti-aging medicine, it is believed that aging is not caused by age or time alone. There are many causes and factors that cause people to age differently, such as free radicals, hormone deficiency, chronic inflammation, accumulation of toxins, and microbial imbalance. If we know the causes and how to prevent or adjust the balance, we will be able to slow down aging or prevent degenerative conditions and certain illnesses from occurring in the future.
What is a preventive and anti-aging medicine health check-up (Premium Check-up Program For Prevention and Anti-Aging)?
A preventive and anti-aging medicine health check-up is different from general disease treatment, which treats symptoms or when symptoms occur, then see a doctor for treatment. It is called a "defensive" treatment.
However, preventive and anti-aging medicine treatment focuses on finding the root cause of the body's abnormalities from the beginning or factors that affect the body that prevent the highest health condition in order to prevent diseases before they occur. This is called a "proactive" treatment.
Including finding the cause of some symptoms that sometimes cannot be found through normal tests, such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, brain fatigue, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and allergic rashes of unknown cause. These symptoms often interfere with daily life, reducing work efficiency.
Examples of preventive and anti-aging health checks include: Checking the balance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (Micronutrient Program) Checking the balance of hormones (Hormones) Checking for hidden food allergies (Food Intolerance Test) Checking for organic acids in urine (Urine Organic Profile) showing the function (Metabolism) of various systems in the body, the balance of neurotransmitters, the excretion of toxins from the body, the balance of microorganisms in the digestive system, and cell damage caused by free radicals. Check the balance of microorganisms in the digestive system (Gut Microbiome) Check for toxic metals in the blood (Toxic Metals Profile) Check the minerals and heavy metals accumulated in the body (Oligoscan) Check the length of the end of the chromosome to see the biological age (Telomere Length) Check the ability of white blood cells in the immune system (NK Cell: NK Cell Activity) Check the genetic code or genes (DNA testing) to know the risk of various diseases in the future and also help in planning the treatment of patients to be more accurate, reduce unnecessary treatment costs and help select the right drugs. And the most effective for the patient and see the chance of drug allergies
There are also programs for individual problems such as weight loss programs (Weight Loss Program), stress rebalance programs (Stress Rebalance), IV vitamin programs (IV Drip), heavy metal elimination or detoxification programs (Chelation Therapy), etc.
Who is Revital Life Center suitable for? Those who want to have a long and quality life. Because having a long life alone is not the answer to a good life. But it should be good health throughout life. Those who want to have the best possible health (Optimal Health) because anti-aging medicine will help take care of the body's systems to be strong and work at their best.
Those who want to take care of their health before they get sick, there are quite a few people who have health problems but do not show any symptoms. Therefore, early detection will help you know how to take care of yourself, what needs to be improved, and how to take care of yourself in order to stay away from illnesses and look younger.
Those who want to increase the efficiency of treating their illnesses, along with treatment in various medical fields, for a better quality of life in both physical and mental aspects.
Revitallife Center has a team of doctors specializing in preventive and anti-aging medicine who have experience in providing attentive care, starting from asking about problems and health care goals of those who come for consultation, in order to provide accurate diagnosis and personalized care (Personalized medicine), from giving advice on lifestyle adjustments, taking care of nutrition, exercising appropriately for each person, including preparing vitamins and individual supplements in line with the test results, which will be different for each person, in order to prevent disease and enhance the body's ability to be at its best, as well as being able to repair and restore the body to be strong and healthy again.