Why Nasopharyngeal cancer is a silent danger

Nasopharynx cancer is a disease that mostly found in those who are Asians especially, if if they come from China Hongkong or Taiwan including those living in South East Asian countries like Thailand; in Thailand it mostly occurs to male patients since they have higher risk (about 2 times) than females most of their ages is from 15- 25 and 50-60.

What cause Nasopharyngeal cancer?

Certain key factors that cause nasopharyngeal cancer are as follows:

    1. Genetic : Since the disease has high tendency of occurence geographically for instance in South of China and areas where chinese mostly immigrate to live are assumed to have the disease. From this, the gene may be one of the factors contribute the cancer .
    1. Food that contains Nitrosamine: it is also one of the causes because if a person starts to inhale Nasopharynx tissue DNA may be changed this change can mutate to be a cancer contributor that contaminated in fermentented foods such as salted fish, salted meat, local northeast Thai sausage or even grilled foods.
    1. Virus: many studies show that Patients with nasopharyngeal cancer will have higher Epstein-Barr virus – EBV than normal people that are healthy as a result, the EBV is assumed to be a cause of the disease.
    1. Environment: environmental factors include dust, smoke, grass, chemicals including pollution ; all considered as significant factors for the Nasopharyngeal cancer.
  1. Bad oral health/ chronic nasal cavity inflammation: hygiene for both is essential meaning when either or both have problems they maybe become a cause of the cancer.

Symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer

Symptoms divided into 5 groups as follows:

    1. Having nasal irritation inside the nose a person may have mucus with blood or bleeding; apart from that feeling uncomfortable while breathing, having nasal congestion or mucus flows into the throat with voice change; these all can be the cancer symptoms. Treatment approach is the same with sinusitis.
    1. Ear symptoms such as hearing something inside the ear which is very loud or feeling pain as well as feeling like having liquid flowing out of the ear regarding misfunction of the auris media.
    1. The lump on the neck, this symptom is quite clear since it is a symptom of this cancer during spreading phase; its distribution goes to the neck’s lymph node. Most of patients have one lump showing it is movable, solid and painless.
    1. Neurological symptoms: Patients may have a headache, blur vision, feeling their faces numb, pain on cheek where cancer cites; for those having spreading patients may have facial palsy, dizziness, hoarseness voice, dysphagia or choking while eating including an abnormal taste sensation.
  1. Other symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, low fever, block of lips movement, chocking while drinking which these are considered as dangerous condition (spreading stage) that is transmitted from infected organs.

Regarding symptoms as soon as you find having them we recommend you to go see a doctor immediately for the most accuracy of treatment and diagnosis.

Is the Nasopharyngeal cancer can be treated ?

The nasopharyngeal cancer can be cured however, in case of finding its lesion in early meaning that there is high possibility for the cure; the treatment approach is as follows:

    1. Radiation: due to the nasal cavity area is a difficult position for surgery, therefore radiation has to be a main way of treating; patient with first stage found pleasing with an approach according to a result 90% of the cancer can be controlled which means the cancerous areas all can totally be removed.
    1. Radiation with chemotherapy: for patients with stage 2 or upper a doctor will consider using both of them as treatment for more effective result.
  1. Surgery: in cases where the nasopharyngeal cancer cells can be controlled but still there is an existing of the neck lump or cancer cells partially left surgery can be provided to the patient depending on their conditions individually including discretion from the doctor.


Dr. Pichaporn thanapongsathorn (Specialist)

Ear, Nose and Throat Center

Phyathai 1 Hospital

Tel. +662-201-4600 Ext. 2365-2367