What symptom indicates Gallstones

Every time you have pain in the stomach, you might think that it is just because you are too stuffed or food is not digested properly. However, you should better observe yourself carefully whether you really eat too much or are having any other symptoms. In worse case, those other symptoms might indicate that you are suffering from gallstones.


Who are the TARGET at risk of Gallstones?

From the statistics, women have 2-3 higher tendency of Gallstones than men. Moreover, the older you are, the more risks you would have. In fact, it should be noted that overweight people, drinkers and people who loves fatty food are also at risk as you can gain high cholesterol which is the main cause of Gallstones.


Suspect Symptom indicating the possibility of having Gallstones

The Gallstones is found in 10-15 percent of the population. Fortunately, symptoms in more than half of patients are not expressed so there is no need for a treatment. Nevertheless, in case if the gallstones blocks the bile, symptoms such as, flatulence and heartburn or GERD will be shown. In some severe case, you might feel the pain on the right shoulder.


You will feel the pain approximately 15 minutes then it will be better. Around 2-6 hours, symptom will be improved, until a month later you will feel that pain again. If it get worse, you would feel these symptoms, for example having a fever, jaundice, faint, nausea, itching dark-color urine, and grey feces. At this stage, you better go visit a doctor immediately. In addition, if abdominal pain constantly happens every day this may be considered as other diseases


The basic symptom is just a stomachache. We would like you to observe the body condition to find some disorders and visit the doctor as fast as you can for the easier procedure, fast recovery as well as cost saving.