Ways to get Fast Recovery after The Knee Surgery

When patients are allowed to go home for their rehabilitation, they may still feel pain or feeling tense around the area which in fact, swelling, bruising and clot could be appeared on the thigh, knee and ankle. However, if the area of ​​the wound becomes red and there is abnormal secretion such as yellow fluid outflow while the pain is more severe right after taking painkillers, including be unable to bend the knee like it used to or even patients may not impacted by what mentioned but if it happens due to attacking of accident like falling, walking, swelling and the skin on the area goes dark with noticing that the knee is loosen along with fever, patients then highly recommend to go see a doctor immediately.

For patients with no complications, physical therapy may be needed. Spending a daily life carefully is recommended by following the structure below:

What should those having knee replacement surgery do after the procedure?

  • Manage knees and leg muscles regularly and try not to bend the knee especially during first two months to avoid stiff in the knee which affect a walk.
  • Going up and down stairs, might start a walk with inoperative side on while walking down, patients need to use the operative leg. However, using walker also requires special attention.
  • In the first 2 weeks, patients should practice walking with walker to support the weight of the body during the walk which might compress the knee including protecting an accident like falling. Moreover, when patients feel more confident to walk, the walker then may not needed.
  • Every 1-2 hours patients should do a short walk to gradually stretch and relax the contracted muscles. Then try to do longer walk to pace based on their ability and muscle flexibility.
  • After walking or sitting for a long time, patients should find times to rest and raise up the feet higher than the position of the heart using pillow to support which helps prevent the blood and body liquid from being obstructed. Moreover, do not forget to use cold compress for relieve the swelling.
  • For daily activity, bending down to touch the feet as stretching or twisting the body as well as standing and laying down for instance, patients should do it slowly with care. Nevertheless, the patients can still do lying on side but it would be better if postures are changed frequently. Actually, avoid doing gesture that cause compression to the operative knee and not letting it being compressed for long hours are mandated.
  • Weight control is a way to lower the friction including force that affects the artificial knee however, another benefit of losing weight is that the knee does not carry much weight according to the body.
  • After walking and recovering, light exercise such as walking or swimming is suggested for the patients in case that the wound is completely healed. However, consulting the doctor should be done first. Also the patients can do cycling or yoga as these workout can be done within short period.
  • Maintain healthy oral health and do not hold for urination in order to avoid the infection.
  • If patients have to receive dental treatment to scrape stone or veneer including other oral diseases within 2-3 years after the surgery, we recommend you to inform that to a doctor so that you can receive the antibiotic medicine to prevent bloodstream infection which may spread to the operated knee.
  •  Keep seeing your doctor every time you have an appointment including receiving the screening and additional examination based on prescription.

What should not be done for people who have had knee replacement surgery?

  • In the first 3 weeks after surgery, do not drive. After that can start driving for a short distance.
  • In the first 6 weeks, do not lift stuff weighted more than 5 kg.
  • In the first stage, sitting on a knee or sitting on a low seat as well as going up and down the stairs are recommended to be avoided.
  • Avoid sports that have bumps, jumps such as basketball, badminton, tennis, running.
  • Avoid walking or doing activities in the dark or inadequate lighting. Do not walk on wet areas especially the bathroom where falling or slipping are easily happened.
  • Avoid having sex in the gesture which the knee is bent over 90 degrees.
  • Avoid heavy activities such as bending so much knee or knee-stretching quickly.

For More Information
Orthopedic Center
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Phone: +662-201-4600 ext. 3220, 3222