When patients are allowed to go home for their rehabilitation, they may still feel pain or feeling tense around the area which in fact, swelling, bruising and clot could be appeared on the thigh, knee and ankle. However, if the area of the wound becomes red and there is abnormal secretion such as yellow fluid outflow while the pain is more severe right after taking painkillers, including be unable to bend the knee like it used to or even patients may not impacted by what mentioned but if it happens due to attacking of accident like falling, walking, swelling and the skin on the area goes dark with noticing that the knee is loosen along with fever, patients then highly recommend to go see a doctor immediately.
For patients with no complications, physical therapy may be needed. Spending a daily life carefully is recommended by following the structure below:
For More Information Orthopedic Center Phyathai 1 Hospital Phone: +662-201-4600 ext. 3220, 3222
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