Treat Arterial stenosis by Coronary Angiography Treatment

Arterial stenosis

When patient comes to a hospital with chest pain, a diagnosis has to be provided immediately. In fact, if the patient is suspected of having arterial stenosis. Coronary Angiography Treatment then needs to be given to a person in order to determine where the position of arterial stenosis is and to manage a remedy promptly. Moreover, according to ischemic of a heart, it drives the patient at risk for sudden heart attack and death.


What is Coronary Angiography?

The Coronary angiography requires a use of a small catheter that has a diameter length about 2 mm long. The catheter will be inserted to at which slightly closes to the heart. Next, iodine contrast medium will be injected to assess a site of the arterial stenosis and heart muscles as well as the heart valve function. All processes contribute a precision of diagnosis and treatment. Generally, the contrast medium gives some side effects to patients who are allergic to seafood. Accordingly, whoever have seafood allergy should inform the doctor before a procedure.





    • A doctor will ask patients about allergic condition including chronic diseases.


    • If the patient has to take a regular medicine, especially fibrinolytics, this information needs to be informed and the patient has to bring the medicine to the doctor as well.


    • Patient has to do Physical Examination


    • Patients must not eat or drink within 6-8 hours before the examination.




1. Doctors will provide Local anesthetics before arterial puncture on the wrist or groin.

2. A soft plastic tube will be inserted into the arteries in order to let the catheter pass and also to connect it to the arteries directly.

3. Doctors will inject the contrast agents to the catheter. The contrast medium then will be passed through the coronary arteries; they can be seen clearly, so that the arteries stenosis site can also be found.

4. During cardiac catheterization, blood pressure, pulse rate, oxygen concentration in the blood and symptoms will be monitored constantly.

5. When the doctor detects some disorders that can be corrected by the catheterization. The doctor then will enlarge the narrowed part of the artery by using a balloon and a stent.

6. When the diagnosis and treatment process are completed. Afterward, the catheter and plastic tube will be pulled out of the arteries on the area of the wrist and groin. To refrain bleeding is pressing on the area about 10-15 minutes. However, in case of vasodilation, the plastic tube should be kept for around 4-6 hours before removing.


The PROs of Coronary Angiography



    • Diagnosis and confirmation of coronary artery disease are precisely provided.


    • This method is simple, comfortable and fast. The patients only receive local anesthesia with no anaesthetic. In fact, a process only takes 20-30 minutes.


    • In case, if there is ischemic heart disease, balloon and stent angioplasty will be provided promptly. It takes only 45 minutes – 1 hour.


    • Low risk with only 0.01%.complications.


    • Patients can recover fast while a hospital stay is only within 1-2 days before they return home.



Remedy after receiving Coronary Angiography



    • Patients should rest in the hospital for about 1-2 days.


    • Lie on bed, do not bend your legs and hands where the injection is made about 6-12 hours. Going to toilet or getting out of the bed is not allowed. Moreover, please follow your doctor’s instructions strictly.


    • Most doctors will allow patients to walk on the next day, and if there is no abnormality, then they will be allowed to go home.


    • Patients are able to have food normally and drink plenty of water for 1-1.5 litre a day to help excrete the contrast agents during urination.


    • After cardiac catheterization, for about 1-7 days, patients need to avoid lifting heavy object, or exertion such as, walking or running.


    • If you have swelling, redness or severe pain in the area where the catheter was used. According to mentioned symptoms please immediately notify or see your doctor.



Coronary Angiography is applied to spot the real cause of heart stenosis. However, we all can prevent ourselves from it by avoid making some risk behaviors, for instance, having food with high saturated fat, not keeping your weight on a standard, not taking enough rest, love having stress as well as avoid doing aerobic exercise and love alcohol drinking or smoking in order to save our hearts from today.



Heart center

Phyathai1 Hospital

Tel: +662-201-4600 ext. 2346, 2347