The Importance of Diabetic Screening for

According to a report from IDF Diabetes Atlas – 7th Edition in 2015, it said there were about 78.3 million people diagnosed with diabetes in our South East Asia, within next 25 years it is predicted that numbers of patients may be raised up to 140.2 million. Mostly will occur in those aged over 50. Today, Dr. Worasert Issarathum Endocrinology and Metabolism Doctor at Phyathai 1 Hopital has insight information for you.

Diabetes VS Age?

Although there are various causes of the disease such as heredity, behavior and food consumption. Apart from that, Age is one of the reasons as when we get older certainly, the body will start to deteriorate due to a period of time. Meaning some organs may function themselves slowly, for example, the pancreas that produces insulin with a lower amount including an ability of blood glucose control. As a result, its level could increase.

Why diabetes and heart disease are associated?

The doctor added that reasons why diabetes and heart disease are associated. Diabetes contains complicated side effects, if a patient cannot control sugar consumption, the artery then could be stenosis. Thus, heart screening and good consumption are very essential.

Can Diabetes and Heart Reduce Risk?

Dr. Worasert said certain diseases hidden during its first stage if we receive the screening in early, when results show some risks or stage of the disease. You will be able to have treatment immediately which are 2 programs. The first treatment program is Excercise Stress Test (EST) and Electrocardiography (ECHO) time for each process takes about 15 minutes. .

Check your heart rate … with EST

The doctor explained that EST or Exercise Stress Test is used when the heartbeat rapidly function itself, as the heart muscle require the blood to go nourish itself so when the heart beats fast means the blood is needed. For a patient with heart disease, while doing the EST, a result will be shown. In addition, the EST requires a person or people in a risk group must run fast to make the heart intensively beat to show up some abnormalities which not every old people are able to do it.

Check Your Heart with ECHO

For the ECHO program the doctor explained about how the movement of the heart is, and those that have their heart problems will come with disorders symptoms as mentioned. This method is safe for everyone.

After Screening, do not forget to take care of your health after

Health care after the screening is needed such as weight control. It is not only good for diabetic patients but those having hypertension and muscle pain as well. Thus, excercise is essential in eldery patients including receiving vaccine to protect the body from other diseases that may happen to old people.


Endocrinology and Metabolism Doctor

Internal Medicine Center  

Phyathai 1 Hospital