In the past, Gallstone is usually treated by Open Cholecystectomy, which requires a long time recovery. However, with the development in medical tools, we have a medical innovation which is the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. It is super effective, safe and the patients can go back to their lives a few days after the surgery.
The original surgery is the Open Cholecystectomy. However, the doctor will provide this method only when there is a severe inflammation or when the Stone surpassingly breaks down to the Abdomen.
A new innovative surgery that is very popular is the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. It will be applied when there is no severe inflammation. The doctor will drill 3 small holes approximately 0.5 cm. and another 1 cm. hole on your abdominal area to insert a camera and tools through it. The doctor will peel the Gallstone from your liver through the holes by looking from a screen and sit it on a special-designed bag, stitch the lesion and done.
It is popular due to its high effectiveness. In contrast with the Open Cholecystectomy, it is found that most of the patients recovers fast after the surgery about 1-2 days because the lesion is small and easy to take care of making them have less chance of an infection,also, it leaves you only small wounds on the abdomen. In fact, you can have your normal life back 1 week after the surgery, conversely the original method takes you about 1 month to recover after going back home, including having more time for a hospital stay with more pain after a procedure.
Dr. Hasun Moohamud
General Surgeon and Gallstone Surgery Specialist
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Tel: +662-201-4600 ext. 2185, 2285
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