RSV virus in children

 During rainy season, children are often get sick. Due to air frequently changes and it is easy for children to be infected by virus, especially RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) which is a virus that causes respiratory disease in young children, such as the secretion of sputum. Including, bronchial contraction due to swelling of the bronchial membranes and respiratory tract. Impacting on children with a breathing difficulty. Accordingly, the infection can be transferred … through the secretions of patients such as nasal mucus, sputum, and saliva.

Symptoms of RSV virus infection

Some symptoms of RSV infection can be similar to common cold, such as a fever, a cough and stuffy or runny nose. However, there are a lot of symptoms that parents should be aware of, which they may relate to  RSV infection.

  • Dyspnea
  • Rapid breathing
  • Stertorous
  • The body skin turns to green
  •  There is a wheeze in the lungs. (Due to mucosal respiratory inflammation and bronchial contraction)
  • Excess Sputum’s production.
  • Coughing

  In small children, such as premature infants, children with heart disease or lung disease and. The symptoms may quickly spread can become worst. Which there may be intermittent apnea, including breathing failure. Causing a transferring to a hospital (ICU) and the ventilator may be required.

There is no medication for RSV treatment 

In general, every treatment is based on symptoms such as providing cough medicine, Bronchodilator agents, and Antipyretic. This method helps relieving patient’s symptoms. Especially, in those with fatigue, breathing difficulty, or hypoxemia. Besides, palliative care for instances, Intravenous Injection, bronchodilators, percussion, and sputum suction procedure. On the other hand, for severe cases ventilator and mechanical ventilation may be required in an emergency room until a condition is better.  

However, patients who are infected by other viruses, such as influenza, mycoplasma or other bacteria. Which a physician will consider providing an appropriate treatment that covers these infections.

Is it better? If parents protect their children from RSV infection.

      • Teach your child to frequently wash hands after doing activities. Including before and after having meals.


      • Abstain from crowded places such as nursery, school, and department store.


      • Toys cleaning regularly.


      •  Give children a mask or teach them to cover their mouths when sneeze in order to prevent some infection. Or when they go to a place where are crowded by people.


Apart from that, parents whose children are sick should separate them from other children. In order to prevent sneezing, which spreads the infection to the people. And if your child is starting a school … you should stop them from going to school at least 1-2 weeks until he or she is in a good condition or cured.