Lung X-ray and hidden dangers.


When we receive health inspection annually and find out there is lung disorders for instances,  dark spots which are shown on the X-ray film. Accordingly, a person should not overlook this warning sign, because it may be one of lung cancer symptoms. Moreover, if there is a lump which its size is less than 5 millimeters. Meaning a chance and disease severity are in a less danger. On the other hand, if the lump grows bigger than 10 millimeters that means a risk of cancer is also more increasing.  The chances of lumps being cancerous are very possible. After detecting that the lungs are abnormal. Should be examined further by a doctor. To closely monitor the growth of the lump.





lung cancer screening was provided by X-ray machine. Which resulted with a long time processing including low resolution. Sometimes small spots in the lungs might be overlooked until, those lumps grew up to one centimeter each time and continued growing more. If at any point.  Accordingly mostly cancer will usually grow beyond the first phase.




At present, there are no simple way or self-monitoring methods for lung cancer like breast cancer. However, using CT scan to examine the chest area can help detecting an early stage of cancer which may not be detected by general lung X-ray. Therefore, lung cancer screening should do with CT scan. In order to demonstrate results with 3-dimensional images. Which help providing a fast detection of abnormalities. However, the operation of  CT scan will be done with multiple X-rays photography. Including creating a 3D image with a cut part of the body. Thus, the structure of the lungs can be seen thoroughly. Helps calculating and identifying the position of cancer accurately.






Who has a high risk of lung cancer




People who have the risk of lung cancer are as follows:


• Those who smoke or have a smoking history at the age of over 50.


•Those whose family members do smoking.


• Those who are exposed to pollution and toxins for long periods of time, such as asbestos, radioactive gases (Radon), or toxic fumes from cars and industrial plants.




Can lung disease be cured?


“Cancer” is caused by one cell disorder then divide into two, four and eight which will continue duplicating. If you can clearly see 1 centimeter of X-ray film meaning that cancer cells have already lived in your body at 75% of its life  by spreading to other parts of the body. Thus, the patients still have 25% chance of being cured.  According to a cure, there is less chance of success as well.  However, if we detect the cancer when its size is small. The opportunity for patients to live can be close to the success.



For patients who already have been cured due to the disease.  Chances of returning are greater than those who have never had cancer. According to immune system has been defected from cancer before or at least one time. Therefore, it is very important for the patients to keep up with the results of treatment and health in every one or two years.