

Leukemia means a condition in which white blood cells become cancerous within a system. There is over while blood cells producing until the body is unable to regulate it. However, these cancer cells will spread and live within the organs cause the body malnutrition and low immunity.

Blood components

The blood consists of plasma and there are 3 cells as following.

  • Leukocyte or white blood cell which acts to fight pathogens.
  • Erythrocyte or red blood cell which brings oxygen to the body and carries carbodioxide to the lungs.
  • Platelet or thrombocyte which stops the blood from bleeding.

Risk Factors Of Blood cancer

1. An exposure of radiation such as a large number of bombs exploded.

2. Genetic such as Down syndrome

3. Those who are exposed to chemicals such as benzene

4. Electromagnetic wave absorption from high voltage post. However, this information is still waiting for approved confirmation.

Types of blood cancer

1. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) which has been found in children.

2. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) which has been found in adult.

3. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) which has been found in people at an age of over 55.

4. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) which has been found in adults.

Symptoms of leukemia

1. Having fever and cold.

2. Fatigue, lack of appetite and weight loss.

3. Having frequent infections.

4. There are swelling along with pain in the lymph nodes, liver, including spleen.

5.  Bleeding on the skin includes the eyes and teeth.

6. Bone pain


It is not difficult for doctors to examine the liver, spleen, and enlarged lymph nodes including blood test at the beginning. When there is a suspicion of having cancer. The doctor will perform a bone marrow test. In order to detect cancer cells.


Treatment in each patient for each type of cancer is not the same. In principle, the first stage of the treatment is to control and break the disease knows as remission, then prevent it from returning know as relapse. Which can be cured in many patients.


1. Chemotherapy, this method can be provided both for injections and intake. Some types of cancer may need to provide through cerebrospinal fluid.

2. Radiotherapy which can be provided in two types of radiation. For instance, providing directly to the cancerous site such as the spleen and the testicle. Or providing an entire radiation to the body in order to be prepared for a bone marrow transplantation.

3. Bone marrow transplantation by providing high-dose chemotherapy along with radiation to destroy cancer cells. Then inject the bone marrow from donators.

4. Providing target therapy to some types of leukemia

5. Biological therapy by using interferon together with certain cancer cells.