Gallbladder is responsible for storing bile from the liver. The bile then helps to digest and absorb fats from food. When the liver produces bile, it flows through a series of tubes called ducts which leads from the lower surface of the liver into the duodenum. When you eat fatty food, gallbladder squeezes bile through the bile duct into the small intestine to break the fats down. It will then be digested by the bile inside the liver and transformed to be fatty acid and Glycerol. However, if the bile is consisted of too much cholesterol, it will then silt and become Gallstones
From the statistic, more than half of the Gallstones patient’s whose symptoms are not shown and a treatment providing is not needed. However, the initial signals are GERD and flatulence. Sometimes, they might experience heartburn that lead them to think that they may have Gastroesophageal reflux or Gastrointestinal diseases. Accordingly, if you have heartburn, do not forget to observe yourself whether you also have symptom that put you at risk of the gallstones. If you have flatulence or angina after eating fatty food, you should visit a doctor.
Gallstones patients might have these following symptoms;
Remember these symptoms and note down when it happens along with the duration to tell the doctor so that it can be easier for treatment plan preparation. For the surgery, the doctor normally applies the Minimally Invasive Surgery with less pain and small slit. The patient might have to stay at the hospital only 1-2 days before going back home and can spend their lives normally after only 1 week.
More Information, please contact
General Surgical Clinic
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Tel. 02-201-4600 ext. 2185, 2285
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