Having Blurred Vision with Diabetes could be sign of Diabetic Retinopathy

People with diabetes for a long time have more risks of complications due to behaviors. However, apart from affecting the arteries that lead to stroke and or heart disease it can also affects eye function called Diabetic Retinopathy.

Association between Diabetes and Retina

You need to know that having this disease increases level of blood sugar h. Staying with it for long times, the sugar will attach on the arterial walls as well as walls of vessels around the body. As a result, the eye or retina will be deteriorated and there is a chance for fat and body water to be leaked through the retina causing a direct problem to the eye.

Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

In the first stage symptoms could be hidden, patient can live normally until the eye start seeing things unclear with watering out from the retina, if this happens, meeting ophthalmologist is a must.

Do not overlook the symptom that mentioned as the retina can be swollen and the blood will obstructed with new capitally that is weak and easy to be ruptured which leads to detachment

Do not let diabetic eye grow more than this.

Ophthalmologist is required to do at least once a year to check for diabetic eye disorders. But when we know that diabetic eye. We can prevent this from happening.

    • Laser is used for the treatment of abnormal blood vessels. Even the treatment will not help it. But we treat to reduce the swelling of the retina and blood to the eyes. Do not let the retina bleed until blind.
    • Injection therapy This treatment is effective and effective. The drug will reduce the leakage of blood vessels and blood vessels created by the body will fall. Prevent the breakdown of blood vessels. But the drug’s effect is not long.
  • Surgical surgery is evaluated by a doctor. When you have severe symptoms. Bleeding in the eye The screen has a fibrous membrane. Surgery will help prevent further spread. It can also be used to remove the retina.

The best way to protect “Diabetes mellitus” is the control of our diabetes. To reduce the chance of complications. With lifestyle habits, exercise, blood pressure and blood pressure. This is not to worry about diabetes eye.

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