First aid for seizures.

First aid for seizures.

Is it safe to stuff things in the mouth while a person is having seizures?


What people say in common is when experiencing try putting something in a person to prevent a tongue bite. It is often seen either in real life or  Thai drama series. Which is so wrong, and can harm the person to death!!!


Some people suggest bringing “spoon” to stuff the mouth during a fit for the same reason as mentioned. This providing is a wrong way of the first-aid as well. Causing the person risk with losing their teeth permanently or in some cases broken teeth are fallen into the bronchi, obstruct a breathing and cause a person to death.


On the other hand, people may suggest using a “hand” which seems to sound better than using a “spoon” but they should perceive that the risk of injury to the hands and fingers is very high. Because patients with seizures often do not feel and being unable to control themselves as well. So, they can bite the person and cause a serious finger injury accordingly.


The use of “things” such as spoon, hand, cloth, socks or even shoes! in order to prevent the patient from tongue bite is  “wrong”, but it is commonly found in Thai society due to traditional belief as the patient can bite their tongue to death. But in fact, while having the seizure there is usually no tongue bite in most of the patients. Except in some cases, but there is no harmfulness and providing a treatment is not that difficult either. However, there is no case of the tongue bite causing to death. Therefore, the use of things while the seizure is not helpful and often cause more troublesome cases.


How to provide a first-aid?




1. No object stuffing in the mouth of the patient.


2. Setting a position of one side laying. In order to prevent salivary obstruction.


3. Finding pillows or soft items to lay the patient’s head in order to prevent head injury.


4. Timing the seizure when it takes more than 3 minutes means the patient will have a risk of fit in a row. Which should urgently call for an ambulance.


5. If the patient wears tight clothes including neck tie should loose them allowing the patient to breathe easily.


6. If the patient is wearing glasses remove them to prevent cracking.




Following this instruction for patients with seizures can receive safe first aid. Therefore, if seeing anyone provides a wrong first aid by stuffing should provide them a correct way in order to save the patient.