Colon cancer


Besides liver cancer and lung cancer, there is the third cancer which is found in men. And it is also ranked at the 5th discovered disease in women as well. Which this disease is known as colon cancer.  And, the cause is mainly from our own lifestyle.   Especially, the incorrect way of consumption, such as eating only red meat but not fruits or vegetables, drinking less water, not doing exercise, letting constipation to occur frequently, or drinking alcohol including smoking.  For those mentioned habits, if anyone has these types of behavior … precisely can be predicted that there is a chance of having the colon cancer in the near future.


Polyp removal…. For a high chance of recovery  

To understand the mechanism of cancer invasion especially, the colon and anal cancer. These diseases are caused by abnormal growth of the intestinal epithelial cell. From normal intestinal tissue to the polyp. And eventually, develop to cancer. Therefore, if the polyp is found and be cut in time, meaning it can destroy the chances of cancer. According to data theory has been explained that the 1cm polyp takes 10 years to become the cancer.




In the first stage of colon cancer, symptoms may not be shown. And they often appear when the cancer has spread. Therefore, people should inspect for an initial symptom regularly. However, the polyp detection before becoming cancer or during an early stage can be done by colonoscopy.




It is a method for small camera insertation which directly inspect the colon. There is a video camera in order to completely visualize the colon and anal. However, this method can provide a polyp removal which is the most accurate process for detection.





Symptoms of colon cancer have usually appeared as follows:

1. There are no symptom signs appear


2. There are changes in the digestive system, for example, having diarrhea, constipation and small size of stool.


3. There is blood in stool or colitis.



4.  There are abdominal pain, flatulence, cramps, and abdominal cramps.



5. There are symptoms caused by bowel obstruction such as fever, constipation, gas blockage and flatulence.


6.  There are symptoms of anemia from unknown causes.



7. There are feeling of fatigue and not interesting in eating


8. There is weight loss without food restriction.


9. There is a lump in the abdomen .





Treatment is divided into phases as following.


Phase 0 The cancer cells are detected by colonoscopy. Which the cell can be cut through a procedure. Both for having cancer and not having it. Accordingly, there is a chance of cure 100%
Phase 1 Cancer cells grow and are embedded in the walls of the large intestine including rectum.
Which does not spread to connective tissues or lymph nodes.A surgery will be provided by  technique called curative resection(Surgery for the purpose of cured) is to cut the colon about 10-15 cm.Also lymph nodes at least 12 glands. Then connect the good colon back together. For anal cancer which occurs at the pelvis near sphincter that controls the excretion. However, for the surgical technique at present the anal sphincter can be preserved during the procedure.
Phase 2 Cancer cells spread through the colon wall including the anal to connective tissue but  not reaching the lymph nodes yet. In this phase curative resection surgery will be provided.  Which is the main treatment in phase 1 as well.
Phase  3 Cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes.However, if it has not spread to other organs. Curative resection together with chemotherapy after surgery will be provided.(both for intake and injection) Or radiation may be added in the case of anal cancer.
Phase  4 The surgery will be provided into both types of cancer. Including it can be provided to the liver or lung where the cancer spreads. Following by chemotherapy. However, in case of cancers are not cut, the person will only can live for 1-2 years.







1. There is a chance of cure if prevent cancer by endoscopy. Due to if the polyp is found then it can be cut immediately.


And there is no chance that the polyp will develop to cancer.



2. In case of having colon and anal cancer. The treatment for phase 1-3 is still can be cured. There is a chance that the disease will be cured. Thus,  if notice that the abnormalities as mentioned above please see a doctor for an accurate detection and treatment.