Checklist for Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease in Elderly

Diabetes is hard to noticed during first stage as it mostly appear when patients reach in severe stage, here is a list of symptoms that lead an elderly in your house to it.

Feeling hungry frequently

In our body, a mechanical system will change the blood sugar into glucose in order that it can be used as an energy for the cells. For those having the disease, their body will not be able to function that accumulation of blood sugar then happen and secreted through urine. The body, therefore, responds by feeling hungry frequently to gain more energy to the body.

Frequent Urination at Night

It is known that people with diabetes theri body will have trouble changing food into sugar. The level of sugar in the blood that accumulated then raises to 180 ml/dl. The body will try to drive sugar out from it through urination causing loss of water later pateint could feel thristy as the body needs more water.

Unhealed Wound

If a wound occurs and takes time to recover longer than usual, you can assume this as one of the diabetic warning symptoms because the disease can destroy the immune system so it also affects wound healing process. The high blood sugar will interfere with the blood vessels functioning which affects the wound or ulcers to recover itself slower than normal, in some cases, it may cause minor ulcers to large infection as well.

Rapid Weight Loss

Regarding high blood sugar, an insulin cannot transform glucose to energy for supplying cells. Instead, the body then must try to break down energy from fat and muscles, which is a reason why pateints lose their weight fast. Some people have their weigght drop from 5 – 10 kilograms within 2-3 months.

Numbness in Arms and Feet

Sensory disorder can happen in all parts of the body such as numbness in hands or feet, symptom can start from toes before spread to fingers. However, it can be more severe additionally, some people may have feeling of being stabbed by needle.

These are just some of the symptoms that risk pateints to the diabetes. A good protection is After finding some disorders meeting a doctor immediately is recommended to get more accurate and clear diagnosis and treatment.




For more information
Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Phyathai Call Center 1772