Beside Smoking, What else can cause Lung Cancer


Many people have been neglected about smoking as the only one factor which causes lung cancer.  But on the other hand the cause of lung cancer is not just smoking …. The lung cancer is more common found in men than women. And in the current medical profession strongly believes that lung cancer is caused by many triggers.

3  Main Causes of Lung Cancer

1. Keep smoking for a long period of time which creates more risk in the disease. However, an 80% of people with lung cancer have a history of smoking. Which a 75% of them are intensive smokers according to smoking habit such as having at least 20 cigarettes per day and continue doing it more than 20 years.  Or having 10 cigarettes per day and continue doing  for more than 30 years.

2. Pollution or toxic air. Which is caused by car exhaust, various industries especially mining industry. For example, asbestos, nigel and radioactive substances etc. According to the example those factors will be more likely to develop this disease.

3. Pulmonary scars caused by chronic disease such as tuberculosis, which may be carcinogenic.

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Initial stage of the disease. There are no symptoms which can be clearly defined as lung cancer. But be aware of   these symptoms.

– Chronic dry coughing which takes a longer time to be cured than usual.  Sputum sometimes has blood in it.

– Weight loss, fatigue, pale, and having anorexia.

-Lung inflammation, fever, chest pain, the symptoms may cause patients not to see a doctor for a treatment immediately. Once the disease has spread to all parts of the body. Chances to be cured has more decreasing. So when such symptoms occur to you then should urgently consult the doctor in order to be treated promptly.

Diagnosis of lung cancer

There are several ways.

    – x-ray photography

    – Sputum detection from coughing in order to find cancer cells.

    – The bronchial monitor.

    – Apply a needle to pierce through the chest wall skin. Or provide bronchial tissue removal for pathological  diagnosis.

Treatment for lung cancer

The doctor will decide which treatment should be provided to patients. Considering age, body strength, stage of disease, type of parenchyma including the acceptance of patients, which can be treated in the following way.

1. Surgery which can be provided only in a condition that has a chance to be cured and all cancers are able to be complete in removing. And the lung is remaining in function.

2. Radiation therapy which is used in patients who are unable to receive an operation. Or for those who used to have a surgery but the cancer parts were not completely removed and suspected to grow again.

3. Chemotherapy which plays an important role in the treatment of lung cancer. Currently, medical may be provided interchangeably called as cyclical treatment. Because this process works better than single medications providing. Including results are usually good in patients whose physicals are in fit and have less cancer within the body. The drug or medications are based on  type of cancer.

4. Palliative care


There are many causes of lung cancer. Some causes may be difficult to prevent. But one of that we can avoid is smoking. Non-smoking or quitting smoking can greatly reduce the rate of lung cancer. And help keeping your body healthy, which is free from diseases. In addition,  it is also good for people nearby such as your family.

Phyathai 1 Hospital awakes to quality of treatment to all cancer patients. In case of suspicion for lung cancer. Patients will be sent to a physician who are specialize in respiratory diseases together with modern medical technology. After the diagnosis is done if the patients is found having lung cancer. The doctor will bring this information to the MDT Cancer Board.  A medical team which consists of respiratory disease specialist, radiation therapist, pathologist, physician and a specialist in cancer medication. Cooperatively plan for treatment in patients individually. This provides good results and they only receive less side effects from the treatment.

For more information

General Medical Center Phyathai 1 Hospital