Be aware Here are Symptoms of Cholecystitis

Be aware !! Here are Symptoms of Cholecystitis

“Gallstones” has already becomes a very popular disease among us during this era which it is caused by our harmful diets.  However, the gallstones is not the only one impact from gallbladder diseases, there is another consequence which is found among them known as “Cholecystitis” . Accordingly, in this article we will explain you about what the Cholecystitis really is.


The Difference of Gallstones and Cholecystitis

Mostly, Gallstones always stays at its location. When the stone obstructs the bile duct, the bile itself will not be able to flow through from the duct to the intestine. From that reason it can cause a pressure inside the gallbladder. A situation will lead to higher pressure and eventually compresses the vessel that supplies the bile duct and results in a lack of blood supply. Moreover, it will continue destroying some tissues. As a source of ongoing inflammation the destroying will provide dead tissues and penetration after which in final both will mutate to severe condition of abdominal cavity infection.

However, all symptoms of the Cholecystitis above are noted as approximately 90-95 percents of the disease cause is Gallstones while the rest, 5-10 percents come from accident, bacterial infection, tumor or fascia.


2  types of Cholecystitis:


  • Acute cholecystitis

It is caused by severe acute inflammation with flatulence, pain on the right side under the chest including other symptoms for instance, nausea, vomiting and fever. For more severe cases, you might have a jaundice, pale-colored feces and dark-colored urine. If the gallbladder is ruptured, you will have high fever and abdominal rigidity with pain caused by the abdominal tissues inflammation. In general, the Cholecystitis can be cured within 1-2 weeks. On the contrary, if you are late at seeking for a medical attention. The gallbladder tissues cell can be dead and penetrated which later will cause severe effect at abdominal cavity. If this happens, about 5-50 percents means you are at risk of losing your life depending on your overall health: age, the level of inflammation as well as a condition of drug resistance.


  • Chronic Cholecystitis

This type of Cholecystitis might not be as severe as the previous type but it will happen quite often. Also, the symptoms are not clearly shown. Some might feel only the pain under the right chest and have flatulence after having fatty or oily food. In fact, a case of acute inflammation may also lead to acute cholecystitis after.


Comes the Treatment

If you are curious whether you are at risk or not, please go visit a doctor immediately. The doctor then will examine and cure you; giving you a pain killers, a squeamish-free pill and initiating peripheral venous access IV infusion to allow the gallbladder to stop working for a while. A gallbladder surgery then will be executed after a well-managed inflammation control. However, if patients do not receive a surgical treatment repeated inflammation may occur. A procedure can be made by cholecystectomy or abdominal open operation basing on doctor’s decision.


More Information, please contact
General Surgical Clinic
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Tel. 02-201-4600 ext. 2185, 2285