Be Careful !! Some activities might cause you risk of Osteoarthritis

Today, many young people start taking care of their health as well as body weight by running or cycling which are popular workouts at the moment. However, there is still problem in some people who feel pain in the knee joint during the exercise due to the knee muscles might not be strong enough. Also, most of people thought running gives them osteoarthritis which that could be inaccurate. For that reason, in order to receive proper understanding, the information is provided as below,

Risk Activity should be avoided

    • Those whose works require lifting or carrying heavy loads by using the back. This situation causes more pressure on the knee especially when you have to carry heavy loads stuff and walk up the stairs. That will increase more pressures or compression to the knee joint similar to those who are overweight. In fact, the risk of osteoarthritis in people with overweight is higher than other people . Therefore, if you have a career that require heavy lifting on a regular basis, you are highly recommended to use equipment to support your body and knee joint.


    • Those who usually do squatting or crouch for too long including sitting on the floor for meditation and sitting on the knees these postures cause compression to the knee. Therefore a person should change a posture frequently such as sitting on chair to let both legs stretch.


    • Athletes or those who are sport players that join sports with collision like, soccer, american football, basketball, rugby or boxing. Theses types of sports might lead to rupture of cartilage including ligament which affect the strength of the knee joint. Although playing sports can benefit your health, being hit or attacked intensively during a game might not be supportive to the main benefit. Therefore players should be aware of these problems. However, if you find having some disorders or symptoms still persist, it is highly recommended to seek for medical treatment and inform your doctor immediately. In addition, avoid playing collisioned sports by swimming, cycling running, aerobic dancing and badminton are recommended.


  • Some exercises can deteriorate the knee strength due to excessive stretching such as jump-squat, running down on stairs and cycling that might require bending of your knee. Therefore, saddle position should be adjusted to support the knee so that it does not need to bend or being pressed.

Knee Osteoarthritis Prevention

    1. Losing Weight : Control body weight to make it standalized to save the knee and other joints.


    1. Knee Muscle Management : Managing muscle around the knee will support the knee while lifting object so the knee bone does not need to carry too much weight.


    1. Exercise by running : Running does not hurt the knee as many people misunderstand and talk about as running makes heart muscle stronger including keeping the body weight under standard. However, for those having a lot of weight might start walking at first to ensure the right time for running. At the same time, for those having the osteoarthritis or deteriorated knee before then running may not be the right exercise. Therefore, receiving an authentic consulting from specialized doctor to know what type of exercise can manage your knee.


  1. Those having gout or rheumatoid arthritis. Infection in the joints may occur according to that the cartilage of the joint deteriorates faster. Patients should take care of symptoms closely and receive advices from doctor about how to care of your knees and bones properly.

For More Information
Orthopedic Center
Phyathai 1 Hospital
Phone: +662-201-4600 ext. 3220, 3222