Back to walk within 24 hrs after Hip Replacement Surgery

The hip joint is one of the most important parts of human body. It is used for lifting the body weight which then leads to deterioration the same like other joint problems. However, the deteriorated hip or osteoarthritis in hip joint is commonly found in Thai people, for example, hip joint degeneration by age or Osteoarthritis, Developmental Hip Dysplasia;DDH, Avascular Necrosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis often found in whom aged 40 – 65.

Causes of osteoarthritis in hip joint

    • Genetic or members of family having history of diagnosed with osteoarthritis may increase the risk of this disease in that person.


    • Some medications taking especially painkillers.


    • Rheumatoid arthritis.


    • Hip Injury, such as, hip fracture.


  • Hip Abnormalities, such as, Acetabular dysplasia.

Symptoms of hip osteoarthritis

    • In the initial stage, pain associated with friction in hip joint may occur. The pain can be more aggressive in activities that require joint movement.


    • If the hip has more inflammation. Extra bones may grow around the joints, which cause severe pain when they are bent, later, the legs would be shorter due to its severity.


  • In case of aggressive pain which makes a person not being able to move or rotate the hip. This might lead to motor weakness according to lack of moving.


    • Doctors will ask patients about symptoms, records and other illnesses including providing a physical examination.


    • X-ray Imaging


  • MRI and CT scan

Alternative for treatment

For the treatment of hip osteoarthritis, there are many ways depending on the severity of the pain as well as hip dysplasia. The doctor then will select the appropriate treatment as follows :


1. Non-surgical treatment; Used in the first stage of the disease, which helps reduce severe pain including a possibility of having disability as well as slows down the disease course and condition, for example:

– The lifestyle changes: Avoid activities that require the hip moving posture, have enough rest or sleep, do light exercise regularly, such as, swimming, aerobics, cycling or lose some weight if you are overweight in order to reduce pressure on the joints.

– Taking painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

– Physical therapy to increase strength and reduce stiff joint.

2. Surgical treatment; Total Hip Replacement Operation is considered as type of operative remedy which requires an expertise from a specialized orthopedic surgeon. However, the Hip Replacement Surgery is a process of removing parts of the hip that are decomposed, broken or dead out of the body and replacing them with new hip or artificial joints.

The benefits of the surgery are that patients can recover from the pain and have a firm hip or joints, which can closely work as an actual one. In addition, more than 95% of patients were satisfied with the remedy and after the surgery they could walk within 24 hours and spend their lives confidently.







Orthopedic Surgeon


Phyathai1 Hospital