Anti-aging Treatment by Hormonal adjusting and vitamin supplement

Generally, the word “Anti-aging” can make us think of skin treatment alone; how
to make the skin shine brightly without wrinkle, in this case, it defines good health
from inside called “Cells” To take good care of organs and other systems in the
body to prolong their degeneration, it requires hormone balance which is why
medical knowledge is essential.



When hormones decrease…

In general, the hormones of people will start to decline by the age of 35. The
body will gradually change with symptoms of fatigue, exhausted, having a difficult
time going to sleep. Obvious symptom is skin condition such as wrinkle and
sagging skin. From a person who has never be fat starts to have a bigger belly, as
well as hormonal change causing degeneration to the body.



Free radicals that body has to face…

Because each day we face environmental pollution, contaminated residue, stress,
and busy lifestyle which causing no time for workout, sleep or even have healthy
foods. These factors contribute to a cause of free radicals that degenerates cells
and organs in the body quickly. In fact, our body contains anti-oxidant substance
but when we age older, the body decreasingly produces it, additionally; the
hormone will also be lowered. Thus, the body starts to have these symptoms:
backache, shoulder pain, fatigue, bad mood and wrinkles.



Being sick due to hormones and free radicals

Those who have chronic symptoms of sickness due to hormones and free radicals
that are not treated properly for example, people with chronic headaches,
difficult sleep, waking up with shoulder pain, having upper back pain, abnormal
weight gain, inactive feeling, being forgetful. However, when patients receive
general screening from a doctor. A result does not show them any abnormality,
on the contrary, when the screening is made through blood test to check
degenerating condition of the body, the antioxidant, hormonal level and tumor
marker, the result shows that, there is the imbalance of hormone at the level that
interrupts the metabolism in the body including endocrine glands system due to
accumulated free radicals. Moreover, if this condition is combined to emotional
feeling such as ‘stress’ ‘Improper Lifestyle’ and ‘Improper eating’. They require an
accurate treatment process immediately as it can bring back a person a good
quality of life.



Hormonal and Vitamin Therapy

When we receive the blood test the result will be applied for assessing the body
degeneration condition, so that patients know which spots, behaviors, or parts of
their body must be treated starting from behavioral modification, thinking
process called “Personalized design” it is provision of hormone, nutrient, vitamin
for antioxidant that helps solving problems for patients individually or
“Personalized Hormone & Supplements” Therefore, they can have a better quality
of life.



Treating patients using anti-aging processing does not it only cure the pain but, it
promotes a change of their behaviors and lifestyle in a better way. As a result,
they can have a better skin, body shape, moods and thinking.


For more information contact

Anti-aging Center Phyathai 1 Hospital

Tel: +662-201-4600 ext. 3465, 3466