Allergy has more chances to occur in children, and in adults is quite possible as well. There are various types of allergies caused by many factors. Accordingly, today we have tips for you on how to take care of yourself and completely win the allergy.
An allergy occurs when the body contact with allergens, that actually cause organs inflammation such as, nasal, conjunctiva, respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin layer. The allergens can come from air, dust, mites, flowers, and fungi. Or in some foods consist of milk, soy milk, eggs, wheat flour, and seafood.
There are two main factors which act as triggers for allergic reactions. The first factor is genetic, most patients about 20-40 percent have parents, which one of them have had a history of allergy before. But in the case, if both parents have a disease, a chance of having the allergy is increased about 50-80 percent. However, the second factor is environment such as air pollution like a smoke from vehicles or factory. Besides, people who love to have junk food. Those who focus on an ingredient with fat and strach should be careful. Due to there are more than 15 percent of patients with this disease despite parents have no history of it.
The inflammation in different organs will also cause different symptoms. For example, if it occurs on the skin, there may be rashes on the face, foldable joint, arms, legs or the whole body. But if in the nasal area, patients may have chronic mucus, together with sneezing or stuffy nose. And for an eye, there can be an irritation, or inflammation with tear, including conjunctivitis. In respiratory tract symptoms usually are coughing, breathing obstruction, and oppression in the chest. However, if the inflammation occurs in the digestive tract. Patients will have chronic diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss including rash.
Before treatment, patients should know what they are allergic to, for that reason we can divide types of allergy testing
into two, they are skin test and blood test. For blood testing, it is provided in patients with severe symptoms, those who need to medicine taking constantly and are unable to stop that.
In fact, everyone can prevent themselves from the disease, by avoiding allergens, which is a good way to relieve the symptoms. Or at least to minimize the amount of regular medicine intake directed by a physician. However, we can reduce some allergic reaction by nasal washing. Or a use of nasal spray approved by a doctor. And lastly, is to have a full sleep including five groups of food category.
Now there are two types of allergies which require a vaccination for treatment. Both are air-allergy and asthma.
A doctor will inject the allergen, also gradually increases its amount to make the body recognize also reduce a sensitive reaction. However, those who respond well, require a vaccination remedy for 3-5 years. On the other hand, patients who require the vaccination permanently are those who are unable to control the symptoms. Or think they will not be able to avoid allergens.
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