5 Diseases that can link to

Apart from sex, age and regular habits that are factors of stroke, there are also other factors such as chronic diseases , let us take a look what diseases can influence you to the stroke.


Normally people with this disease will face blood vessels deterioration faster than others. Sugar in the body will start changing to lipid accumulated within the body including attached on the vessel wall. This condition risks to Ischemia 2-3 times more than others.

High blood pressure

One of the most important risk factors for stroke by 70% is hypertension. This disease makes the vessel walls thicker and harden which may cause bleeding in the brain and lack of blood supply. The hypertension damages system of blood level which nourish the brain.


Patients with the Dyslipidemia have high accumulated lipid or fat in the Arterial Wall the wall then be harden and inflexible results in arteries stenosis thus, the blood cannot flow properly to the brain. Later, patient may have paralysis.

Heart Disease

Patients with heart disease include valvular heart disease or arrhythmia which increase more chance for the stroke than others around 6 times higher. Blood coagulation may also occur and obstruct the blood causing the brain brain infarction.

Blood Disease

This case we talk about those with abnormalities of blood or platelets ( hypercoagulation, polycythema vera that caused by white blood cell and red blood cells ) Some cases have disorders in protein which promotes the condition of coagulation that blocks the blood from supplying the brain.

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Phyathai 1 Hospital
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