4K Surgical Camera Technology for Sinusitis

Sinusitis, it is one of respiratory diseases caused by virus or nasal bacteria infection a reason of nasal rhinitis and congestion; type of inflammation divided as follows:

  • Acute sinusitis (4 weeks for symptoms )
  • Chronic sinusitis ( symptoms continue for more than 12 weeks)

Apart from being a procedure with standardized safety and low risk, procedure that reduces recurrence chances of disease is also expected by every pateint especially those with chronic sinustitis that because they have high risk of having condition returned. Since secretion like pus stays unreachable deep inside the nose therefore taking antibiotics or using spray are considered ineffective; for that reason, Innovative Full House FESS that connects 4 pairs of cavities with capacity to suck out all the secretions is needed in patients. This Full house 4K technology can enhance higher performance of surgical procedure including providing a better vision during a process.


Treating Sinus using 4K Medical Technology

The Innovative Full House FESS is a treatment technique for sinusitis that connect pairs of sinus cavities before sucking all obstructed secretion; the Full house FESS supports a use of nasal spray and can effectively reduce the chance for disease recurrence including an ability to treat polyps inside the nose as well.

Regarding complexity of sinus cavity, technology therefore has been used for more effectiveness of vision during procedure; high resolution of 4k technology can bring high accuracy of results as follows:

    • Surgery Efficiency
      • Injuries and tissue damage around the area are reduced
      • Blood loss during surgery is reduced
      • The time spent during surgery is reduced
    • Postoperative efficacy
    • Reduce the chance of reoccurrence
    • Spraying can reach to all areas inside your nose
    • Antibiotics taking is not needed
    • Efficiency of nasal blood circulation is increased
    • Bad odor from the nasal cavity is cured
    • The efficiency of sense of smell is increased

Innovative Full House FESS sinus surgery technique with 4K camera technology can certainly control the chronic sinusitis regarding its accuracy which in the near future may become a new standard of medical surgery of a disease.

Treatment of sinus near the brain’s base area

With high 4K technology of monitor and Innovative Full House FESS a doctor can be able to access the sinus cavities (frontal,cheekbones,eyes and base of the brain) every area contains nerves especially at the sphenoid sinus next to the pituitary gland, optic nerve and brain. Aorta and brainstem can easily be reached by the 4K sinus surgery allows doctors to treat sinus that appears near the base of the brain easier and safer due to clear vision with 4K camera technology.

The innovative Full House FESS causes low side effects and lowers disease recurrence effectively moreover, it also provides high possibility for patient to be cured. However, every process is depended on specialized doctor in order to provide the most accuracy of treatment result for the patient.