120 Minutes and Risk of

Stroke or palsy is the number one death cause disease in Thailand. According to statistics in 2014, Thailand has more than 228,000 people suffering from this disease. 25,114 people died of it while those who survived become disabled and cannot have normal life like others.


The Beginning … of Stroke Symptom

As we all know that blood is very important to the body and organs, especially the “Brain” When there are some abnormalities such as blood obstruction that impact the blood flow. In the area of the brain where the blood unable to reach then would stop functioning. Sudden symptom like palsy may occur. If the blood runs back in time, that area of the brain would back to its function the symptoms would be relieved therefore, patient can feel better.


Dangerous Signs We should not Overlook

“Facial Palsy/Motor weakness/Imbalanced Walk/ Slurred Speech” symptoms of stroke that require you to go to a hospital as soon as they occur. The fastest treatment for this disease is using rt-PA while opening clogged vein so that the blood could flow to the brain in time. A process must be completed within 4 hours and 30 minutes. In addition, what you should know is that blood test and CT scan are required around 1 hour means patients must must reach a hospital within 3 hours it would be even better if you can make the patient reach there even faster for the best result.


“Rt-PA” can reduce the risk of disability.

The use of rt-PA (Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator) based on body weight of patient. Mostly doctor uses only one bottle (50 mg contained) injected to the vein within 1 hour. According to a study said patient with acute stroke who receives this medicine by 30% could be safe from palsy or paralysis and if they are treated faster result would also be more effective. Thus, as soon as stroke occurs patient must be sent to the hospital immediately.

Side Effects that may Happen after Using The rt-PA rt-PA

The studies said 7 percent of the patients receiving the rt-PA might have bleeding inside the brain ,half of patient numbers have it which could lead them to death. For that reason ,we have to ensure doctor who provides treatment specialize or have sufficient expertise and experience about the disease to lower the risk that might happen during a process.


Availability of Phyathai 1 Hospital 1

Phyathai 1 Hospital is available to treat acute stroke patients 24 hours a day. Multidisciplinary team stays up, ready to provide treatment for the patient. There are Laboratory 24-hour service, CT-Scan and special ward for patient who suffer from paralysis. We are listed at the first private hospital due to this specific stroke unit.

If the patient has severe motor weakness symptoms. They will be treated with physical therapy, the medical team would provide knowledge to the patients including risk control, regular appointment after return home.

Tips !!

In fact, we can reduce the risk of stroke by avoid risk behaviour which include smoking, drinking, blood pressure control not over 140/80 mm Hg (130/80 for diabetic patients) controls blood glucose below 7 (HbA1C). For diabetic patients must have LDL levels lower than 130 mg / dL (or less than 70 mg / dL) And do not forget to exercise for at least 4 days a week.


For more information, please contact:

Phyathai Stroke Center

Phyathai 1 Hospital



Phone: +662-201-4600 ext. 2688 – 2690